Revolutionizing Workflow Management at Silver Hare Creative

Client Profile

Industry: Graphic Design Agency

Scale: Small to Medium Business

Services: Graphic Design, Branding, and Marketing Material Creation

Understanding Salesforce: A Pivotal Technology Backbone

Salesforce, often misconceived as merely a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool, is a dynamic and multifaceted platform that serves as the foundation upon which a plethora of business applications are built and integrated. It comes with its native applications, such as Sales Cloud and Service Cloud, which are designed to streamline and enhance customer relationship management and service delivery, respectively.

Moreover, Salesforce opens its arms to a vibrant ecosystem known as AppExchange, where third-party developers, such as Black Wolf Analytics, craft specialized applications to meet various business needs. Appli.Pro is one such tool, conceived, developed, and made available on Salesforce AppExchange by Black Wolf Analytics. It utilizes the robust and scalable infrastructure of Salesforce to deliver comprehensive people management solutions, from recruitment to HR processes, project management, and timesheet management, ensuring businesses like Silver Hair Creative can leverage the power of digital transformation in their operational workflows.

The Challenge

Silver Hare Creative, a spirited graphic design agency, was encumbered by manual management, particularly in areas like timesheets, invoicing, and task allocation. The manual processes consumed excessive time, hampered invoicing accuracy, and offered no streamlined method to analyze work hours spent per client. Additionally, a lack of an integrated HR and recruitment module created bottlenecks in talent management and acquisition.


Black Wolf Consult was brought on board to implement Aptly.Pro and provide Salesforce consulting services, ensuring the tool was tailored to meet the specific needs of Silver Hare Creative. Aptly.Pro, while being a robust people management software, was further customized to seamlessly blend with the existing workflows of the agency.

Key Implementations:

The implementation journey, from initial conceptualization to deployment, was meticulously handled to ensure minimal disruption and maximal adaptation by the team at Silver Hare Creative.



Silver Hare Creative’s partnership with Black Wolf Consult brought about transformative changes in their operational workflow. With Aptly.Pro's comprehensive solutions and the additional custom-built task management application, the agency not only saved precious time but also gained insights into their operational standings, enabling them to further refine their processes and focus on what they do best: crafting outstanding creative solutions.

Black Wolf Analytics, through Black Wolf Consult, demonstrated its prowess in not just providing a product in Aptly.Pro, but also in ensuring that the tool was implemented and customized in a manner that brought tangible, positive outcomes for Silver Hare Creative. This journey encapsulates Black Wolf's commitment to delivering innovative, tailored technology solutions that drive business optimization and growth.